welcome to a vampire's nostalgic corner of the internet, showcasing things I love & grew up with! this is just a personal space for me and somewhere to store my blinkies both made myself and collected from the web


*~*~ ERIK & DAMON ~*~*

There are simply not enough words for how much I love & cherish you, and for how much good you bring to my life. To share my past, present and future with you is the greatest reward, and everything I have been through has built up to this, and I would not change a thing.

*~*~ first meeting ~*~*

We were together for several months before our first in-person meeting in October 2021, which is a perfect month for us! I couldn't believe how seeing him and being around him physically felt no different to how close we got in the months prior to this. I've never been so comfortable or so me around anyone before. We had so much fun, ate lots of snacks, and made so many dumb private jokes that still make me laugh two almost three years later. Damon made me realize what it means to be alive and have a purpose.